martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

HW pag. 51 EXERCISE 4

1.- We associate comfort foods with ourchildhood?

Well I think most of them because you proof a lot of food when you are a child so you start to like some food and another not. Also when you eat a food that you don´t like it, inmediately you remember your past so this suggest your childhood is like a treasure.

2.- We do not have an active lifestyle today?

In my case more less because I like to do things with my rhym, eat the food I like, stay with my friends, go to the cinema, museums, park etc. and live my life as I like.

3.- People often eat garbage today?

Yes because the world, tecnology and society makes the people buy all junk food that only makes damage to our body and forget the nutrimental food like fruits, vegetables etc.

4.- The government should do something to stop children from eating junk food?

Well actually the government make a new lay that prohibits the eat of junk food in hight levels, the sale reduction of junk food in elementary school and to make minimum 30 min of exersice at day.

5.- The food industry should cut down on fat and salt in food?
I think yes because this make more healthy the junk food

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010


Mention 3 of the most relevant amazing or whatever ever invention you have used.

FIRST INVENTION: I think one of the most population and useful machine is the computer because with this you can make homeworks and works faster, you can correct them and make it more creative. ALso you can chat with people in other countries, watch videos, search for information about all the topics and all that stuffs. For know more of this topic you have to learn a little of the history of the computer. During the World War II, a team of scientists and mathematicians worked in Bletchley Park, north London, creating what was considered the first fully electronic digital computer named the Colossus.

SECOND INVENTION: Another invention is the cellphone because with this you can speak with another person not nesesary near you. ALso you can write messages and surf in the internet to enter to your favorites webs side without using a computer. Another characteristic is the smaller size so you can save it in your pocket or in your jacket or bag.

THIRD INVENTION: I think is the ipod because now a day the world tour with the tecnologic, the internet and the music. I have an ipod because I can used it like music and video player, like album to save important photographs ,write important things to remember, tools like calculator, clock and games to pass the time.


If I had been born in another country, what would you do?

Well I think I would have a lot of changes for example anothers friends, another school and places to visit like parks, cinemas, museums etc. ALso I would speak another language and a different culture.

If you have been for the opposite sex, What would you have done?
I think I would make the mayority of the think I made now for example play soccer or volleyball, I would go out with my friends to the cinema or to another places. But particular I would wear another clothes and shoes like pants more baggy, differents t-shirts and a short hair.

If you had had the highest IQ in the world history. Mention what things or activities would you had done?

I would read a lot, play chess, enter to many contest, make exersice, investigate with many experiments, visit a lot of places like museums, parks, etc. and learn a lot of languages.