martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

HW pag. 51 EXERCISE 4

1.- We associate comfort foods with ourchildhood?

Well I think most of them because you proof a lot of food when you are a child so you start to like some food and another not. Also when you eat a food that you don´t like it, inmediately you remember your past so this suggest your childhood is like a treasure.

2.- We do not have an active lifestyle today?

In my case more less because I like to do things with my rhym, eat the food I like, stay with my friends, go to the cinema, museums, park etc. and live my life as I like.

3.- People often eat garbage today?

Yes because the world, tecnology and society makes the people buy all junk food that only makes damage to our body and forget the nutrimental food like fruits, vegetables etc.

4.- The government should do something to stop children from eating junk food?

Well actually the government make a new lay that prohibits the eat of junk food in hight levels, the sale reduction of junk food in elementary school and to make minimum 30 min of exersice at day.

5.- The food industry should cut down on fat and salt in food?
I think yes because this make more healthy the junk food

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